Full head application of Hair Evolution luxury Russian hair extensions using the Micro beads method. A small silicone bead is used which guarantees no damage to the natural hair.
Full head application of Hair Evolution luxury Russian hair extensions using the Micro beads method. A small silicone bead is used which guarantees no damage to the natural hair.
Full head application of Hair Evolution luxury Russian hair extensions using the Micro beads method. A small silicone bead is used which guarantees no damage to the natural hair.
6 weeks to be customised and sent from Russia please contact us direct.Full head application of Hair Evolution luxury Russian hair extensions using the Micro beads method. A small silicone bead is used which guarantees no damage to the natural hair.
Free consultation don't worry abowt choosing a method as we will determine the most suitable method for your hair on consultation
. Duration:5 mins··. Price:Free
Free consultation don't worry about choosing a method as we will determine the most suitable method for your hair on consultation.
Free consultation where we will determine the most suitable method of hair extensions for your hair
Full head application of Hair Evolution luxury Russian hair extensions using the Nano beads method. A small silicone bead is used which guarantees no damage to the natural hair.
Full head application of Hair Evolution luxury Russian hair extensions using the Nano beads method. A small silicone bead is used which guarantees no damage to the natural hair.
{"value":"Nano 24/25" hair evolution Full head application of Hair Evolution luxury Russian hair extensions using the Nano beads method. A small silicone bead is used which guarantees no damage to the natural hair."}
6 weeks to be customised and sent from Russia please contact us direct.Full head application of Hair Evolution luxury Russian hair extensions using the Nano beads method. A small silicone bead is used which guarantees no damage to the natural hair.
Free consultation where we will determine the most suitable method of hair extensions for your hair
Free consultation don't worry abowt choosing a method as we will determine the most suitable method for your hair on consultation
. Duration:5 mins··. Price:Free
Free consultation don't worry about choosing a method as we will determine the most suitable method for your hair on consultation.
Full head application of Hair Evolution luxury Russian hair extensions using the pre-bonded method. Gentle keratin glue is used. This glue is anti- allergic and guarantees no damage to the natural hair.
Full head application of Hair Evolution luxury Russian hair extensions using the pre-bonded method. Gentle keratin glue is used. This glue is anti- allergic and guarantees no damage to the natural hair.
Full head application of Hair Evolution luxury Russian hair extensions using the pre-bonded method. Gentle keratin glue is used. This glue is anti- allergic and guarantees no damage to the natural hair.
6 weeks to be customised and sent from Russia please contact us direct.Full head application of Hair Evolution luxury Russian hair extensions using the pre-bonded method. Gentle keratin glue is used. This glue is anti- allergic and guarantees no damage to the natural hair.
Free consultation where we will determine the most suitable method of hair extensions for your hair
Free consultation don't worry abowt choosing a method as we will determine the most suitable method for your hair on consultation
. Duration:5 mins··. Price:Free
Free consultation don't worry about choosing a method as we will determine the most suitable method for your hair on consultation.
Maintenance should be carried out every 6-8 weeks.Micro Beads will be moved back up and the rest of the hair is brushed through.
Maintenance of 24" or extra hair
Removal of Keratin hair extensions
Removal of Micro Beads
Keratin glue refit (hair must have been removed and retipped)
Re-application of Nano Beads hair extensions.
Re-application of Micro Beads hair extensions.
Removal of Nano Beads and Refit of Nano Beads all in one appointment.
Removal of nano beads
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